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What is a Good and Healthy Breakfast?

  We often hear of the importance of having a good and healthy breakfast. But why? Benefits of a good breakfast A good breakfast: gives us the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals we need to sustain the energy and drive for our day balances our blood sugar, thus stabilising our energy, weight, mood and focus […]

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Comment avoir un petit-déjeuner bon et sain?

  On entend souvent parler de l’importance d’avoir un bon petit-déjeuner. Mais pourquoi est-ce si important? Bienfaits d’un bon petit déjeuner Un bon petit déjeuner : nous donne les nutriments essentiels, les vitamines et les minéraux dont nous avons besoin pour maintenir notre énergie et notre motivation tout au long de notre journée équilibre notre […]

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‘What to eat!’ series – #21 Kefir

What is kefir? Some of you may not know it. Kefir is a fermented milk drink (usually cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk) where kefir grains – a starter culture of yeast & lactic acid – are added to milk. Over time, these grains ferment turning the milk into kefir. The grains can be re-used again […]

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Exercice, Endorphines et Bien-être

  Si vous n’en avez pas déjà, la fin de l’été est un bon moment pour commencer une routine d’exercice avant le début des mois “plus sombres” où il est souvent plus difficile de le faire. C’est une merveilleuse façon de nous préparer et de nous assurer que nous ferons de l’exercice régulièrement pendant une […]

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Exercise, Endorphins & Wellbeing

  If you do not have one already, the end of summer is a good time to start an exercise routine before the start of the “darker” months when it is often more difficult to do so. It is a wonderful way to prepare ourselves and ensure that we will exercise regularly during a period […]

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‘What to eat!’ series – #20 Tomatoes

  This is the time of the year to enjoy this wonderful fruit (yes, it is a fruit despite being generally considered and cooked as a vegetable) at its best. Summer conveys images of juicy, sweet & colourful (red, orange, yellow, green, purple) tomato salads, sprinkled with olive oil and basil or simply prepared as […]

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‘What to eat!’ series – #19 Peaches

  One of the things I really enjoy about the summer is the wonderful array of fruits available & one of my favourite are peaches. These little round fruits are sweet & juicy & come in yellow or white. I admit to having a preference for white ones, especially the flat ones, but both are […]

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Podcast: Nutrition & Health Coaching in time of Divorce or Separation

  Going through a divorce or a separation? Experiencing high levels of stress? Nutrition & lifestyle changes may not be high on your agenda right now but there are ways you can support yourself through these difficult & challenging times. It is all about nutrition and guthealth. Find more info on this podcast I did recently […]

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5 Simple Ways to Shape Up for Summer

  With Summer approaching, we are all looking to get leaner, more in shape & healthier. Some of us may have a holiday in the sun booked & want to make sure we look & feel our best to wear all these lovely summer dresses we have in our wardrobe. Well, do not worry, there […]

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‘What to eat!’ series – #18 Eggs

  Eggs are packed with healthy nutrients such as B vitamins, choline, iodine, vitamin A, D, E, K, calcium, zinc, selenium & phosphorus. They are an excellent source of protein & healthy fats & contain carotenes such as lutein & zeaxanthin which are powerful antioxidants. Organic or omega-3 enriched eggs are best. The most common […]

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