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Gut Health, Planet Health: Is There A Crucial Link?

As I have written in previous blogs, our microbiome is crucial to both our physical and our mental health. The communities of microorganisms that constitute our microbiome determine key aspects of our health and wellbeing by modulating and balancing the soil of our internal flora. If you want to learn more about this before continuing with this article, you can refer to my previous blog All through the years, in addition to my interest in health, I have developed a keen interest in our planet’s health as well. This has led me to an important question: could the health ...

The Powerful Impact of Music to Transform our Health

Many of you will know that music is a big part of my life. One of the things I really love about living in London is that there are so many live concerts on offer, every day, of every style and for everyone. Sometimes, it is more about choosing where NOT to go as there are so many options! Music is part of every culture and every religion or philosophy. It comes before language and is separate from it, meaning people with speech difficulties can sing and understand music. The oldest instrument is a flute dating from over 35,000 years ...

Boost your Digestion for Better Health & Wellbeing

Our digestion doesn’t only happen in our stomach. Our digestive tract starts in our mouth and ends in our rectum where we excrete waste. As such the act of digestion is a long process, dependent on the proper functioning of many things within our digestive tract. It all starts in our mouth. As we chew and swallow food, our digestive system releases a number of digestive juices - stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes and bile acids – that convert the food we eat into nutrients our body can absorb. These nutrients feed our cells and our health. If any of these ...

Comment Stimuler votre Nerf Vague et Réduire votre Stress

Qu'est-ce que le stress et que se passe-t-il lorsque nous sommes stressés ? Le stress est une réaction naturelle de survie destinée à nous protéger en cas de danger. Lorsque nous sommes confrontés à un événement stressant, notre axe HPA (hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien) est activé, provoquant un pic d'adrénaline et de cortisol pour faire face à la menace. Plusieurs réactions physiologiques sont déclenchées : nous transpirons pour refroidir nos muscles notre flux sanguin augmente vers nos extrémités, ce qui augmente notre fréquence cardiaque, nous permettant de fuir ou de nous battre notre respiration devient rapide pour permettre à l'oxygène d'atteindre nos muscles ...

How To Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve And Reduce Stress

What is stress and what happens when we are stressed? Stress is a natural survival reaction designed to protect us in case of danger. When we are confronted with a stressful event, our HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis is activated causing a spike in adrenaline and cortisol to deal with the threat. A number of physiological reactions are set in motion: we sweat to cool down our muscle there is increased blood flow to our extremities and this in turn increases our heart rate, allowing us to run away or fight our breathing becomes shallow and rapid to allow oxygen to get ...

Comment Prendre Soin de Vous pour Réduire votre Stress et Améliorer votre Vie

Vous courez tout le temps? Vous vous sentez épuisé face à une longue liste de choses à faire? Le temps file et vous n'avez jamais une minute pour faire ce que vous voulez et aimez? Si cela vous ressemble, alors cet article est pour vous. Vous savez que vous devez ralentir mais vous ne savez pas comment. Cet article explique pourquoi il est important de prendre du temps pour soi et vous propose quelques stratégies pour y parvenir. Qu'est-ce que prendre soin de soi?  Prendre soin de soi, c’est prendre du temps pour améliorer sa santé et son bien-être. Cela ...

Self-Care Strategies to Reduce your Stress & Improve your Life

Are you running around all the time? Are you feeling drained because of your long “to do” list? Is time slipping past you and you never have a minute to do what you want and like? If that sounds like you, then this article is for you. You know you need to slow down but you don’t know how. This article will explain why it is important to take time for yourself and provide you with some strategies on how to do so. What is self-care? Self-care is taking time out to improve your health and wellbeing. This includes physical, ...

Warning! Eliminate Processed Foods for Strong Gut & Mental Health

It is important to understand how food either helps or hinders us. Research confirms that consuming ultra-processed food (UPF) damages our gut microbiome and as such our physical and mental health. As discussed in previous blogs, our gut microbiome hosts trillion of bacteria: some are beneficial, others are pathogenic. They cohabit together and provided they are in balance, contribute to our health. An increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria leads to inflammation, the cause of many diseases such as IBD, diabetes or mental health issues. UPF are known to cause inflammation whilst plant foods and fish are known to ...

What is a Good and Healthy Breakfast?

We often hear of the importance of having a good and healthy breakfast. But why? Benefits of a good breakfast A good breakfast: gives us the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals we need to sustain the energy and drive for our day balances our blood sugar, thus stabilising our energy, weight, mood and focus starts our metabolism, helping us burn calories through the day boosts our energy, our heart and our brain stabilises our circadian rhythm However, research can be divided as to the importance of having breakfast. We are all unique so we should listen to our own bodies ...

Comment avoir un petit-déjeuner bon et sain?

On entend souvent parler de l'importance d'avoir un bon petit-déjeuner. Mais pourquoi est-ce si important? Bienfaits d'un bon petit déjeuner Un bon petit déjeuner : nous donne les nutriments essentiels, les vitamines et les minéraux dont nous avons besoin pour maintenir notre énergie et notre motivation tout au long de notre journée équilibre notre glycémie, stabilisant ainsi notre énergie, notre poids, notre humeur et notre concentration met notre métabolisme en marche, nous aidant ainsi à brûler des calories tout au long de la journée booste notre énergie, notre cœur et notre cerveau stabilise notre rythme circadien Cependant, la recherche peut ...