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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Boost your Digestion for Better Health & Wellbeing

  Our digestion doesn’t only happen in our stomach. Our digestive tract starts in our mouth and ends in our rectum where we excrete waste. As such the act of digestion is a long process, dependent on the proper functioning of many things within our digestive tract. It all starts in our mouth. As we […]

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‘What to eat!’ series – Leeks #25

  At the moment, I am getting a lot of leeks on my weekly fruits and vegetables organic box delivery. Leeks are very versatile but what are they good for? Like onions, garlic, shallots and chives, leeks are from the allium family. As such they can be used as an alternative to these in a […]

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Comment Stimuler votre Nerf Vague et Réduire votre Stress

Qu’est-ce que le stress et que se passe-t-il lorsque nous sommes stressés ? Le stress est une réaction naturelle de survie destinée à nous protéger en cas de danger. Lorsque nous sommes confrontés à un événement stressant, notre axe HPA (hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien) est activé, provoquant un pic d’adrénaline et de cortisol pour faire face à la […]

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