+44 (0) 7788 444 199

‘What to eat!’ series – #19 Peaches


One of the things I really enjoy about the summer is the wonderful array of fruits available & one of my favourite are peaches. These little round fruits are sweet & juicy & come in yellow or white. I admit to having a preference for white ones, especially the flat ones, but both are delicious & perfect when combined into a salad together.

Thought to come from China, peaches are stone fruits & belong to the rose family, hence their lovely smell. They are very nutritious with healthy amounts of vitamins (A, B, C, E, K), minerals (potassium, manganese, fluoride, copper as well as magnesium, iron & phosphorus), fibre, water & plant antioxidants (polyphenols, carotenoids, caffeic acid).

As such, they are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-ageing
  • Immune supporting
  • Anti-histaminic (preventing allergies)
  • Gut supporting (digestion, constipation, but disorders such as IBS)
  • Heart health
  • Skin, bone, teeth & eye health
  • Anti-cancer through their antioxidants properties

Fresh and canned peaches seem to have similar benefits – provided the canned ones are unpeeled & preserved in water, not syrup (which is high in sugar) – but fresh ones have higher levels of antioxidants. They can be eaten raw or cooked & added to both savoury & sweet dishes, as well as smoothies. Do you have other ways to enjoy them? Feel free to share so we can all inspire each other & enjoy these wonderful fruits a bit longer whilst the summer lasts!

👉 I am passionate about food & nutrition: find more info on my website, or feel free to contact me on 07788 444 199 /