Like kale, cauliflower belongs to the brassicas (cabbage) family. It comes in different shapes and colours but the most common is the white one.
It is a rich source of fibre, several minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese), vitamins (B5, B6, folate, C, K) and choline which is essential for brain function and to lower cholesterol.
It contains carotenoid, flavonoid, sulforaphane, isothiocyanates and glucosinolates which act as antioxidants, which have anti-cancer & anti-inflammatory properties. However, boiling depletes these levels so choose other cooking methods such as steaming or roasting.
As a good source of fibre, it can help prevent gut conditions (constipation, IBS…) and many diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Cauliflower is also low in calorie and high in water content so is a good ingredient to add to your diet if you are trying to maintain a healthy weight or prevent obesity. Being gluten-free and low in carbohydrates, it can be used as an alternative to rice and flour and mashed cauliflower is a low-carbohydrate alternative to mashed potatoes.
It is easy to use and you can consume it either raw or cooked. Beware not to eat too much of it though as it may cause bloating and flatulence. I personally love it roasted. I par-boiled it first for about 10 min (depending on its size), drizzle it with olive oil and sometimes spices (ras-el-hanout, curry powder, turmeric…) and then roast it in the oven until golden. It is delicious like this: I recommend it!
I am passionate about food and you can find more ingredients’ info, recipes and nutrition info on my website or feel free to contact me on 07788 444 199 / info@biovitalnutrition.com