Sardines are one of the most nutritious food you can choose. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamins (especially B3, B12 & D) and minerals (calcium, selenium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus). They are also a great source of healthy fat, in the form of omega-3 which are anti-inflammatory.
They are a very cost-effective way to get a whole bunch of good nutrients into you. Eat them whole, don’t worry about the bones: in fact, this is where all the benefits of calcium are so don’t discard them. They are so small and soft, they can be eaten without any problem. Sardines also have lower amount of mercury than bigger fish so are a healthier option.
They are extremely versatile and can be added to pasta, salads, eaten as a snack on top of crackers (add avocado for extra richness), stew or on top of beans or chickpeas, sprinkled with herbs and here you have a powerhouse of goodness!
They can be eaten straight from the can (choose ones that are preserved in olive oil rather than vegetable oil) and are a great pantry staple for last-minute meal preps. If bought fresh, they can be grilled or roasted. Be sure to eat them promptly though as they go off easily. Serve them with a mixed salad and some boiled potatoes or polenta, sprinkle with seeds, ready!
I am passionate about food and I hope you find this information interesting. If you want to find out more, feel free to contact me on 07788 444 199 or info@biovitalnutrition.com