Clementines are small, juicy fruits, part of the citrus family. They are small & easy to peel, making them an ideal on-the-go sweet item & a great way to boost daily fruit consumption. There are many varieties, with or without seeds & they are hybrid of oranges & mandarins.
They contain high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta carotene, hesperidin, narirutin; water, B6, folate, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fibre & flavonoids.
Some of the benefits of clementines
- Anti-inflammatory (prevention of many chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity or heart diseases)
- Supporting gut health
- Immune support
- Eye health
- Skin health
- Cancer prevention
As with every fruit, clementines contain sugar: these are natural sugars but still need to be consumed with moderation, especially for people with blood sugar imbalances. You should also be aware that, like grapefruit, they contain certain compounds that interact with certain medications so if you eat them regularly & are taking medications (especially heart medications), do consult a doctor or nutrition specialist for advice.
They can be eaten as is or added to savoury or fruits salads, porridge, smoothies or even roasted. You can also use them to infuse plain water to add a bit of flavour. I personally love them & they are part of my regular diet. With apples, they are my go-to item for when I am out & about: a much better option than a shop=bought muffin or sugary snack!
👉 I am passionate about food and you can find more ingredients’ info, recipes and nutrition info on my website. If you are interested to discuss your health with me, feel free to contact me on 07788 444 199 / info@biovitalnutrition.com